on a Friday Night in July ...

i don't know exactly how to feel. I'm inspired, watchin' the TiVo'd finale of The Fashion Show, editing some cool pics i took tonight, and editin' this blog into somethin' truly special. Still, with thoughts of my boyfriend and my future at college weighing heavy on my mind, I am conflicted.

here are some of the pictures i took.

As a model and a photographer, I see myself goin' to so many fun new directions. Just like me, a combination of watchin' Daniella & Reco's fabulous collections and lookin' through my pictures, I know exactly how to feel. Scary feelings i have about the future is outweighed by what my beautiful future holds and the adventure I'm looking very forward to take.

Note: Jean-Paul and Anna's collections were also MARVELOUS!

Ok. Music Wise, right now my inspiration is ...

other than that & my new subscription to Twitter ... i'm livin' one hell of a life ... : P